Sunday 8 December 2013

2013 Christmas Gift Idea

Hey, So here are some ideas to get people that wear makeup, whither they are just starting up or have been wearing it for years.
1.One of  Urban Decays naked palettes (1, 2, or 3)
2.Stila Lip Glazes
3. Benefit They're Real Mascara
4. Any neutral palette
5.Stila Holiday Essentials Kit

CoverGirl Lipsticks

Hey, So I have no idea what these lipsticks are called because I have had them for so long. But here is a picture of them.
Ok, So this will be a quick review because I actually really like this product, Like the colour payout is amazing.  They last for a really long time.The only thing that they do is they feather and bleed as the day goes on but that is just something minor and can be easily fixed by a kleenex, tissue, napkin or even a makeup wipe.
I give this product a 8.5/10. The lipsticks range between 5-10 dollars depending on where you go. Also I do not know if they still make these lipsticks. But if they do I would highly recommend you add one to your makeup bag.
The colours that I have are: Darling 395, and Feline 385.

Also tell me if you would like me to start adding pictures of the makeup product that I am reviewing.

Benefit-Watts up Highlighting stick

Ok, so I got this product as part of the birthday present that you get when you go shopping at Sephora two weeks before or after your birthday. I thought that this product would be good, because well it is by Benefit, and Benefit tends to make good products. But that is not the case with this product. I cannot even think about everything that I do not like about this product.
Well, for one thing this product is in a stick formula, which makes it harder to apply because if you apply it directly to your face it breaks, if you apply it with a brush and then to your face it breaks. So either that need to make the stick thicker or just use a powder or liquid formula.
Second, this product is the worst thing possibly imaginable to blend into your face. When you apply no matter how hard you blend you will still be able to see a faint line where you applied it. Which does not look good especially when taking a photo. I should know.
Also they should have them available in different shades because I can guarantee you that the shade it comes in would look better on somebody with darker skin than somebody with lighter skin. Because the shade is so light that I do not even know, if you would be able to tell that they had highlighter on.
Though this product may have some bad things about it, well a lot of bad things about it. The one thing that is good about it is that it has just the right amount of shimmer. It's not to much, and not too little. It has a subtle amount of shimmer to the product.
I will be giving this product a rating of 1.5/10

Again, I would like to say that this is my own opinion. You are allowed to have your own opinion. You may think that this product is the best thing since sliced bread. But this is what I think of this product.

Friday 6 December 2013

Hard Candy- Glamoflauge Heavy Duty Concealer

Sorry I've been gone for awhile but I am back to review the Hard Candy Glamoflauge Heavy Duty Concealer.
This concealer I find is a hit or miss all depending on what you are trying to cover up and how you choose to apply it. I have found that this concealer works the best when you are trying to cover up acne, pimples, freckles, and scars. When you use it to cover up the dark circles under eyes, it seems to find its way into the fine lines. It also makes it look like you over powdered underneath your eyes, which is not a good look to be carrying.
When you are trying to apply it, it works best if you use your finger or a sponge because the formula is kinda runny, and if you use a brush and physically brush onto your skin it leaves streaks. But if you use a brush and you  use a patting motion, it creates this flawless look.
This product is  good buy and I give it a 7/10. This price is pretty inexpensive. I think i got mine from walmart for around about $8.00. Which is pretty good, also I thought I should mention that they do not test their product on animals. When I find products like those, I am quite happy with the company.